Meet Our


Dr. Jordan Wolfsohn

Dr. Jodan Wolfsohn (Rocky Mountain Psychology)

Dr. Jordan Wolfsohn serves as the co-founder and Clinical Director of Rocky Mountain Psychology. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Colorado at Denver and his Master’s and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver. He completed an APA approved internship at the California Department of State Hospitals in Vacaville, CA and a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology. He offers services in both monolingual English and Spanish.

For the past five years, Dr. Wolfsohn has provided parenting consultation services for families across Colorado. He offers individual treatment and executive coaching services to help people identify goals, resolve barriers in relationships, and achieve a greater sense of fulfillment in life. 

Dr. Wolfsohn accepts Aetna insurance.

Office Location

Rocky Mountain Psychology
1776 South Jackson St., Suite 601
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (720) 460-0258
Fax: (720) 403-8636

Dr. Risa Muchnick

Risa Muchnick (Denver Psychologist image)Dr. Risa Muchnick is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Colorado. She specializes in helping individuals of all ages untangle themselves from problematic relational patterns including, but not limited to, the following: a history of unsatisfying romantic or platonic relationships, finding oneself playing a similar role in the same interpersonal dynamic time and time again, and the confusing feeling of finding oneself pushing others away or shrinking away from them while simultaneously longing for intimacy. Sometimes these patterns are first and most prominently noticeable as symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Dr. Muchnick applies her passion for helping people navigate relationships to the world of couples therapy, as well. It is often in our most intimate relationships that some of our trickiest and most seemingly-intractable patterns emerge. When we are brave enough to examine these patterns, they often reveal dissatisfaction and needs on both sides, the resolution of which can lead to lasting change and intimacy beyond just improving communication or better managing conflict.

Dr. Muchnick also has extensive experience working with survivors of trauma, ranging from harassment and bullying, to violence, to sexual trauma, and to exposure to and involvement in abuse.

Your work with Dr. Muchnick will feel like active collaboration and curiosity about how the patterns that hold you back have come to be and, subsequently, working to untangle and rework them. This is not merely an intellectual or abstract process, but instead a dynamic and lively experience where, when we are doing it well, feels like we are entering the heart of the problem and working together to change it.

Office Location

Rocky Mountain Psychology
1805 South Belaire St., #502
Denver, 80222
(720) 432-1328

Dr. Jessica Luginbuhl

Dr. Jessica Luginbuhl (Rocky Mountain Psychology image)Dr. Jessica Luginbuhl is a licensed clinical psychologist, having completed her doctorate in clinical psychology with the University of Denver.

Dr. Luginbuhl approaches psychological work (therapy and assessments) with the understanding that such work is built on the blending of two necessary foundations: her expertise of psychology and human behavior, and the client’s expertise of their own life and experiences. As individuals, we learn ways of engaging and interacting which are effective in their contexts. When working with Dr. Luginbuhl, she and the client take a deep dive and explore the client’s complex, rich, and unique history. Dr. Luginbuhl brings her wide-ranging knowledge base of psychology and human behavior, physiology, ancient and current human history, and systemic social forces. Together, Dr. Luginbuhl and clients develop a unique and specified plan, which both understands the client’s feelings and actions in a novel way, and helps clients adjust their approach to life in a way that feels more effective.

Dr. Luginbuhl provides therapy services for individuals in all stages of life, from children to adults at any age, as well as working with couples, families, and facilitating groups. Her practice works effectively with many diagnoses, including depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorders, ADHD, trauma, as well as experiences of relationship distress, pervasive fatigue, chronic health conditions, and traumatic family dynamics.

Dr. Luginbuhl offers assessment services; among other questions, she particularly enjoys working towards effective performance at school and work (for children and adults). Assessments provide treatment planning and diagnostic clarification, and include cognitive functioning, learning disabilities, personality testing, relational functioning, parenting, and neuropsychological issues (including ADHD).

Dr. Luginbuhl provides psychological assessment for various issues related to:

  • Parenting
  • Diagnostic Clarification (General Psychological and Cognitive Assessment)
  • Neuropsychological functioning (Brain injury, ADHD, Stroke, Seizure)
  • Relational Functioning
Office Location

Rocky Mountain Psychology
1776 South Jackson St., Suite 601
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (720) 460-0258
Fax: (720) 403-8636

Dr. Jonathan Fricke

Dr. Jonathan Fricke (photo)Dr. Fricke earned his doctorate degree in clinical psychology from the University of Denver. While he works with a diverse mix of presenting challenges, he specializes in relationship difficulties, identity exploration, self-esteem, grief/loss, stress, and life transitions with adolescents, young adults, and adults. Further, he conducts a broad range of psychological assessments, including ADHD, learning disorders, personality, and cognitive ability.

In treatment, Dr. Fricke embodies the approach that life is about moving forward; about moving towards our goals and wishes. When doing this, we often experience a sense of enrichment and fulfillment. However, we sometimes get stuck along the way. This could be in a relationship, a job, a feeling, a loss, or otherwise. He will help understand how things have gotten stuck, and how together you may get unstuck so that you can continue to pursue the life you envisioned for yourself. Together with Dr. Fricke, he will help to understand patterns that will help make sense of what may be interfering. Doing so allows to then make a change; to do something different and move forwards in life.

Office Location

Rocky Mountain Psychology
1776 South Jackson St., Suite 601
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (720) 460-0258
Fax: (720) 403-8636